Founding. In October 1972 Willam Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi began full-time research on soyfoods in Japan while writing The Book of Tofu. In August 1976 they founded SOYINFO CENTER (named Soyfoods Center until 31 Dec. 2006) in California.

Our Mission. To be the world”s leading source of information on soy, especially soyfoods, new industrial uses, and history, in electronic database, online and printed book formats. To provide the information needed to transform soybeans into food products. To publish a history on every major subject related to soybeans and soyfoods.

Book Sales. Our books have sold more than 830,000 copies. These include three popular books (The Book of Tofu, The Book of Miso, The Book of Tempeh), three production manuals (Tofu & Soymilk Production, etc.), 40 comprehensive bibliographies, plus market studies, histories and books of color graphics.

Building an Industry. Our three production manuals have played a key role in starting more than 450 soyfoods businesses in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

SoyaScan. Database Contains more than 91,000 records from 1100 B.C. to the present, including more than 74,500 published documents, 15,600 commercial soy products, 5,900 original interviews and overviews, and 6,400 unpub-lished archival documents.

Research Library. More than 78,500 documents, almost all of which have a record in the SoyaScan database. Graphics Collection: More than 4,000 labels, ads, sell sheets, and other graphics, mostly color originals, arranged by subjects. All our graphics on some subjects have been published as color books and deposited in the USDA National Agricultural Library.

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