SSSA has been progressive in the past decade with evidence including an active and innovative strategic planning process; the role of SSSA in the creation and governance of the Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies; the purchase of a new headquarters building; continual improvement in our annual meetings; the enhancement of the financial model for our publications (and role in the creation of the Digital Library); an increase in our science policy efforts in Washington DC; expanded participation and membership by practicing professionals, and many other activities and changes. The membership expects continued innovation in our organization and we must make the Society more appealing to a population with a broader interest in our profession.
In this regard, an early career and student members summit indicated that this critical demographic did not understand or connect with the society’s organization and that the society had too narrow a view of our discipline. A subsequent report by the Reorganization Task Force suggested changes in the organization and governance of SSSA. Follow up discussions by the SSSA Board and several work groups have led to the following recommendations for restructuring SSSA and the process for electing SSSA Board members. The SSSA Board of Directors has voted to approve the following structure and will ask you, our members, to do the same in a bylaws vote in the next several months.