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Daily Archives: September 18, 2013
Untuk menjadi hebat, tidak harus sekolah formal (menurut: Dr. Jaka Sasmita)
Rasanya sedikit orang yang seperti Joko Sasmito. Mantan dosen Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, ini memutuskan menjauhkan kelima anaknya dari pendidikan formal. “Sekolah hanya buang waktu dan uang,” kritiknya. Nah, lo! Dia ingin membuktikan: tanpa sekolah formal anak-anaknya tetap berpotensi jadi “orang”! Kini sebagian anaknya sudah menjadi “peneliti dan penemu muda” tanpa embel-embel gelar berkat didikannya di rumah.
“Kripik (kritik dan pembuktian) pedas” ala Joko Sasmito bak tonjokan buat dunia pendidikan nasional yang sudah berkarat dengan beragam opini negatif. Mulai komersialisasi sekolah, kurikulum yang nyaris berganti saban tahun, sampai kurangnya materi aplikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bekal hidup di kemudian hari.
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Eric John Hewitt
Plant Phyiologist: 27 February 1919 – 1 January 2002
Eric Hewitt was a plant physiologist, distinguished internationally for his research on the detection of deficiencies in trace elements in the mineral nutrition of plants and for elucidating the biochemical roles of some of these elements, particularly in the reduction of nitrate and nitrite ions. The research of his laboratory at Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol, was based on the meticulous applications of basic inorganic chemistry to techniques for sand–and–solution culture of experimental plants. Typically, trace elements are required by plants in concentrations of a few parts per million in the substrate in which they are grown. Consequently, to detect and measure effects of such nutrient elements on the growth of experimental plants, it is necessary to remove traces of these elements from the sand medium and from the plant nutrient solutions. His methods achieved astonishingly low levels of contaminating trace elements in plant growth media (Russell 1966, pp. 361–371). The element under study is then added to the test plant cultures at low concentration, and the growth and composition in test and control plants are compared. Hewitt”s initial contribution was to devise techniques that could achieve such objectives. These techniques have been applied to solve problems of plant nutrition in agriculture and horticulture in many countries and they were the foundation on which his achievements in plant biochemistry were built.
read: EJ. Hewitt